The Process

Perfect Fit’s process of sourcing companies with the highest quality candidates at highly competitive wages is simple. The first part of the process is for companies to define what qualities and skills they are looking for in a candidate. For example, a company can request a systems engineer with at least 5 years experience who speaks English at a proficient level and has experience creating databases for financial institutions. Of course this is just an example. In a real setting a client might want to be more or less specific on his particular hiring needs. 


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With the info provided by the company, Perfect Fit will first identify matching talent in its own databases. Then we will open up the process by sourcing outside our own database so the job opportunity is enriched with a larger pool of talent. From our pre-existing talent we may proceed with new questions and concerns relevant to this new job opportunity. We will then go ahead and start to interview the new talent that has come in from our last sourcing, leading us to the screening process.


The screening process has two components. First we will interview our candidates to see how well their CV matches with the company’s needs. From that point talent that does not fulfil the company’s needs will be dismissed from this particular screening, but will be retained for future opportunities. Talent that does meet the employment criteria will still have to pass a rigorous interview in English. This interview will define the level of comprehension and level of speaking (diction) of the candidate. If a candidate’s levels are found to be too low they will also be dismissed from the process.


The next step is for Perfect Fit to define the candidates that will be presented to the company. The client will proceed and screen the best candidates and select which ones to interview via a Zoom call. Perfect Fit asks to be present on the call, so we can provide feedback to our talents, post-interview. After the interview we encourage companies to hire if they feel they have found an adequate match. At the hiring point we request a nominal talent sign-up fee

Trial period

Once candidates are hired, we allow for a 30-day trial period to give companies a much greater chance of ensuring they have hired the right talent for their company. It is only after the trial period that Perfect Fit gets compensated for finding companies the right talent. That is if, and only if, they decide to keep the talent engaged in their company after the trial period. If the talent is not a good fit then our clients have the right to communicate their intention to not move forward with the candidate.


If the first talent does not work out, we recommend that to be granted a second opportunity with other candidates. We can leverage our existing database or start a new sourcing campaign through leads that were not previously sourced. Companies can also decide that they no longer want to continue to seek remote talent through Perfect Fit. In that type of scenario they will only be charged the initial talent sign up fee. Our ultimate goal is to find talent a home. When companies opt for the retention of our talent it is our ultimate satisfaction. We know that many talented professionals in Latin America need honest work and that our company brings with it the potential promise of a good paying job without the need to emigrate to another country. We hope you can be a part of this process as we seek the professional development of individuals while catering to the hiring needs of companies looking for a high value proposition. Get a free quote today.

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