Social Impact

Social Impact in Latin America.

First and foremost what does social impact really mean?

Here are a few scholarly examples of what social impact means. 

 “Social impact can be defined as the net effect of an activity on a community and the well-being of individuals and families.” – Center for Social Impact (CSI)

“A significant, positive change that addresses a pressing social challenge.” – Michigan Ross Center for Social Impact

“Social impact is the effect an organization’s actions have on the well being of the community.” – Knowledge at Wharton High School

“Social impact means bringing together people of different cultures, backgrounds, and ideologies to support and advance a single common initiative for the betterment of all people.” -Center for Social Impact Strategy

At Perfect Fit our definition of social impact is when there are effects that go beyond the strict financial definition of return on investment. It means positive effects by the company’s operations that go beyond financial gains and instead also produce benefits for society and/or the environment. In other words, social impact constitutes a corporate mission that goes beyond just making money and strives to do good for society.

Social Impact in the guise of Perfect Fit’s mission has a very positive effect on the societies of underdeveloped countries in Latin America.  As capital moves form developed to underdeveloped countries more money is put into circulation.  In essence Perfect Fit remote jobs will have the potential of duplicating and creating more jobs. It will also create economic stability by granting the breadwinner of the family a well paying job thus stabilizing the family unit by granting it greater access to things like education and health care. This will ultimately reduce the incentives for people to emigrate to countries like the US and Canada.  Clients of Perfect Fit will have the chance of creating more jobs in places were there are little or no opportunities.  

Social impact is not a one-way street.  It is vehicle that also has a positive effect on company’s culture and corporate environment.  Hiring from outside local barriers means talent will undoubtedly add greater diversity.  This will broaden company philosophy and will have an impact on internal processes.  Talent from Latin America will ultimately add to a philosophy of inclusion and in turn a more balanced company culture. 

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